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- Collection: US Pottery
Vase; sea green glaze with orange day lillies on cobalt blue ground, cylinder.
Pair of Bookends; cornucopia pattern on base, blue color.
Tulip Vase; Ovoid vase, matte glaze of dark green with red flower petals and some shading to light green and cream, with incised design of tulips.
Vase; cylinder shape with enlarged top decorated with landscape scene. Vellum glaze over scene of slender trees with no leaves encircling vase; winter…
Trillium Vase; cylinder shape with slightly enlarged top. Vellum glaze, band of blue at top and bottom, center section creamy white; decorated with…
Vase; Plum-colored, small, round vase with matte glaze.
Vase; High gloss glaze. Dark green with design on incised violets scattered at random on body and neck.
Swan Dish; animal-stylized swan in sleeping position. Cream matte glaze on ceramic.
Vase; 2-tone glaze pink to green, pinched neck with flaring lip. Floral, stylized band. Tall cylinder.
Vase; Pale blue, variated coloration, bulbous body, long slender neck, flaring flat tip.